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Here is the MGS Solid Snake Model version 1.2
Unzip to D:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\gmod9 folder and enjoy!
Fixed skin colour- The real Solid Snake colour in MGS 2
Fixed Hair of Solid Snake
In the next versions:
- adding Faceposing
- Raiden model
- Merly model
- some hexed Snake Eater skins for Solid Snake
- and maybe as minimod
Thanks to "graves" The guy who created the model and the Skin for Jedi Knight2
Thanks to "UncleJimmema and GISwedish" The guys who converted the model for Source
Thanks to "MagNet" The guy who created the ragdoll-model for Source
Thanks to "Solid Snake" The guy who started the project
Thanks to "Konami" for the great Metal Gear Solid games
Thanks to "Kojima Hideo" The "Father" of MGS